+48 451 210 000

Izi Meeting

“Since its first editions, it has been a meeting place for motorcycle travelers, a meeting place for friends and their families. People with good hearts who want to help others. It will be no different and in 2024. “

We invite you to support Szymon, by
purchasing bricks
and supporting his collection on
Się Pomaga
and to learn more about him.



IZI – Robert Galka was 38 years old. He had been riding a motorcycle forever, until July 26, 2010. He died at 130. Khorog – Ishkashim – Langar road kilometer. He lived in the belief that nothing was impossible. All it takes is such a genuine desire to make them. And more importantly, don’t stop at plans, but rather go straight to action. Izi acted. He said “after all, it’s easy”… So, quoting Robert, we say “it’s easy” – we want to help motorcyclists, we want to meet among people who share Robert’s philosophy of “TAKE IT IZI”

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The foundation was established by friends of Robert Izi Galka. Initially, we met to support IZIe’s family after his death. No one thought at the time that 2011 was just the beginning.

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There would be no IZI MEETING if it weren’t for the people. Both those who annually come to Grodziec Castle and those who organize these meetings. Here you can read about the team that creates the Foundation and prepares the annual meetings.

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Here you will find, among other things, the statute, our annual reports on our activities, but also any necessary bylaws or privacy policy.


IZI Meeting

Every year, 250 to 450 people from more than a dozen countries come to Grodziec. Poles usually make up 40-60%, the second largest group are visitors from Germany (25-30%), followed (in alphabetical order) by participants from Australia, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Netherlands, Norway, Slovakia, Switzerland, Sweden, Ukraine, UK and Hungary.

If we left out any nation, please forgive us and let us know, we will correct our mistake right away. We invite you to the XI IZI MEETING 2023



With a short break, we return to you with the 2024 calendar. You are welcome to submit photos.


people in take it izi

Without you, without us, without people, without friendship, without the good hearts you always bring with you, without commitment, there would be no IZI MEETINGS, there would be no Foundation. We introduce the figure of IZI and the team of people who decided to nurture the tradition of meetings of ADV motorcycle enthusiasts and continue to organize charitable activities to support just motorcyclists.

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He was to be the organizer of the first meeting, and had an idea of how to take advantage of motorcycle travelers’ meetings and help others in need in the process. Usually kids. A tragic death meant that he never arrived. In memory of IZIego…

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Over the years, the team of people working on the meetings in Grodziec has taken care of the unique atmosphere, the atmosphere of the meetings not found anywhere else. The current team had a solid foundation to be able to continue the work by establishing the Foundation.

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friends of the foundation

They are the ones who create the spirit of the Foundation, they are the ones who are present at the most sensitive moments, they are the ones who support the Team in activities when they are already short of manpower.





Introduction to travel in the land of fjords



Part. 4 Central Norway – Kristiansund via Rondane Park to Koinge (SE)



Part. 3 Ferries, wineglasses and trolls – or from Sognefjellet to Kristiansund